by Jenny Guyat | Oct 15, 2018 | Living with Passion and Purpose, Mindset Mastery, Vet Harmony
It’s Mental Health Awareness Month and out on the social media-sphere there is much amazing and inspiring talk from those who have experienced or are experiencing mental health challenges. I want to focus this week on one preventative strategy that can help keep us...
by Jenny Guyat | Oct 9, 2018 | Limiting Beliefs, Living with Passion and Purpose, Mindset Mastery, Motivation, Vet Harmony
You may have noticed I’ve been a bit quiet over the last couple of weeks. As I mentioned in my recent VLOG, I’ve reached the end of Vet Harmony’s first year and am ready to take it to the next level. As always when you need to make changes or grow or step into your...
by Jenny Guyat | Sep 7, 2018 | Living with Passion and Purpose, Mindset Mastery, Motivation, Perfectionism
This week marked the start of Vet Hour on Twitter, where those from the profession who are on Twitter can participate in an hour’s conversation live on the social media platform. This week’s session was about mental health in the veterinary profession; how can we...
by Jenny Guyat | Jul 10, 2018 | Authenticity, Time Management, Vet Harmony
I’m recently back after a much-needed family holiday to recharge my batteries and feeling the benefits of having put a boundary around stopping my work activities for a couple of weeks, despite the inner critic trying to tell me I shouldn’t. So, on that subject, do...