by Jenny Guyat | Mar 23, 2022 | Vet Harmony
One of the most common challenges I hear from my coaching clients who are looking to make changes in their life or career is around their ability to stay present. They find that they are thinking about work all the time and struggling to switch off, even when with...
by Jenny Guyat | Nov 1, 2019 | Living with Passion and Purpose, Mindset Mastery, Motivation, Vet Harmony
Well, I don’t know about your part of the world but Devon has been extremely wet, windy and cold this last week, so I’ve been swathed in about 3 jumpers and thinking of lighting the log burner… I did want to hop into your inbox though to set you an...
by Jenny Guyat | Sep 7, 2018 | Living with Passion and Purpose, Mindset Mastery, Motivation, Perfectionism
This week marked the start of Vet Hour on Twitter, where those from the profession who are on Twitter can participate in an hour’s conversation live on the social media platform. This week’s session was about mental health in the veterinary profession; how can we...