by Jenny Guyat | Mar 25, 2022 | Uncategorized, Vet Harmony
I’ve been taking a digital detox over the winter and surrendering into some deep rest and rejuvenation, and now I’m back and raring to go again! Join me in this short video for a quick reminder of who I help, what I do and how I do it. 😍
by Jenny Guyat | Mar 23, 2022 | Vet Harmony
One of the most common challenges I hear from my coaching clients who are looking to make changes in their life or career is around their ability to stay present. They find that they are thinking about work all the time and struggling to switch off, even when with...
by Jenny Guyat | Sep 20, 2020 | Goal Setting, Living with Passion and Purpose, Mental Health, Mindset Mastery, Vet Passport
Thought it would be helpful to let you know how best I can support you this Autumn. 💗 I know there are a lot of people out there at the moment looking either for some grounding, stabilising, reassurance and confidence-building AND/OR looking to make some career or...
by Jenny Guyat | Jan 3, 2020 | Living with Passion and Purpose, Mindset Mastery, Motivation, Vet Harmony
Are you fed up with seeing stuff about New Year’s Resolutions? If you fancy a different, easy 3-question technique that will actually give you far more insights into what it would be good to focus on this year, check out the short video below. To find out more about...
by Jenny Guyat | Oct 25, 2019 | Limiting Beliefs, Living with Passion and Purpose, Motivation, Vet Harmony
I did something really scary a couple of weeks ago. I decided its time to uplevel again. It’s been two years now since I launched Vet Harmony and I’m feeling like both myself and the business are ready to evolve and grow. That means investing in support from my coach....