The CrossRoads
Looking to access high-level personal and career coaching affordably without needing to join a programme or yet another Facebook Group?
Then this could be the answer you’re looking for.
The Crossroads is my low-cost, no tie-in, monthly coaching membership for veterinary professionals who want to get clarity on how to move forwards in their life or career, and to tackle the confidence gremlins that get in the way.
Are you…
- Feeling stuck and unsure in your life or career right now.
- Not sure whether the problem is your current role or career or whether it’s your mindset.
- Wanting to make career or life changes but procrastinating through fear of change, fear of failure or low levels of self-confidence.
- Unsure if you want to remain clinical or consider diversifying but have no idea where to start with figuring this out.
- Fed up of feeling like this and wanting to take some proactive action
- Frustrated with knowing what you don’t want but not really knowing what else you want instead yet
- Unfamiliar with coaching and wanting to give it a try without a lengthy commitment and/or unable to currently afford individual coaching or costly group programs

Then The Crossroads could be a great fit for you!
This monthly membership is for:
- Veterinary professionals ready to stop overthinking and take some proactive action that will help them start to work out what they want and how to get it.
- Professionals who want to tap into the knowledge, experience, network and expertise of a top-level coach, mentor and trainer at a fraction of the cost of working on an individual basis
- Professionals who would like to know how to actively work on their mindset, confidence and self-belief so they stop holding themselves back
- Those looking for some monthly accountability with keeping forward momentum on their goals and help defining those goals in the first place.
Now, for any of you who don’t yet know me, I had probably better introduce myself!

I’m Jenny and I’m a vet, mum, coach, speaker, entrepreneur and creator of Vet Harmony.

I’m Jenny and I’m a vet, mum, coach, speaker, entrepreneur and creator of Vet Harmony.
I started out with a typical story, choosing to become a vet aged 5 years old, working my backside off to get into and then through the vet degree only to discover that something didn’t quite feel right.
Having started off down the internship and residency pathway, I also realised that wasn’t the path for me either.
I reached a total low-point 5 years into my vet career where I was hugely in debt, unsure of why my dream job kept pushing me into mental health problems and not having the faintest clue how to move forwards from that situation!
My own diversification journeys subsequently took me through:
- being Senior Vet for Vets Now
- being the first vet for Pet Blood Bank UK,
- working my way to the top of the Vets Now management team as Business Development Manager and Head of Customer Development,
- becoming a business coach for independent practice owners with Vet Dynamics
- becoming an entrepreneur and mother simultaneously
- setting up my own business, while on maternity leave with no money coming in and whilst finding my feet as a parent…
It’s been quite the rollercoaster ride!
It’s been messy, imperfect, and at times really flipping hard.
It’s also been one hell of an exciting apprenticeship through business, work, life and being human.
It’s required me to pivot multiple times and learn how to recognise when I’m feeling out of alignment with my life or work and how to then successfully re-invent myself.
I now weave all of my knowledge, learnings and expertise from my 20 years’ experience in the veterinary profession into my coaching practice.

Working with Jenny has been one of the best decisions I ever made. I was literally lost after spending many years following a career path that was not making me happy. She is professional, knowledgeable and made this journey feel easy. I have re-gained perspective and confidence and I couldn’t have done this without her.
Yaiza Forcada DipECVM-CA MRCVS
Director and Co-founder of Veterinary Specialist Consultations
I can’t recommend Jenny highly enough! I think anyone in the veterinary profession who is feeling unsure about the direction their life is taking, whether that be personally, professionally or both, would hugely benefit from working with Jenny.
Charlotte Mayne BVMS MRCVS
Owner of The Mayne Veterinary Clinic

Working with Jenny has been one of the best decisions I ever made. I was literally lost after spending many years following a career path that was not making me happy. She is professional, knowledgeable and made this journey feel easy. I have re-gained perspective and confidence and I couldn’t have done this without her.
Yaiza Forcada DipECVM-CA MRCVS
Director & Co-founder of Veterinary Specialist Consultations

I can’t recommend Jenny highly enough! I think anyone in the veterinary profession who is feeling unsure about the direction their life is taking, whether that be personally, professionally or both, would hugely benefit from working with Jenny.
Charlotte Mayne BVMS MRCVS
Owner of The Mayne Veterinary Clinic
What is The Crossroads?
It’s a powerful monthly coaching membership that you can join or leave at any point. So it’s not like an online course, or high-cost individual coaching programs.
Each week on Tuesday evenings at 8pm there is a live group coaching call where you can access me personally to get your individual questions answered. Have a watch of this quick video and I’ll tell you more about these powerful sessions and how they work.
Once a month, I will be doing a live training session on Zoom on a mindset or confidence-building topic and these will start to build up a library of high-quality masterclasses you can dip into whenever you need inspiration or new tools and techniques to try.
Also, as a busy working parent with questionable powers of self-motivation at times, a tendency towards overwhelm if I’m not organised and a thorough understanding how important strategy AND having support are, there will be monthly life planning sessions as well that I will remind you to complete.
You’ll receive a weekly email from me reminding you of the coaching sessions, monthly training and planning sessions and there’s no Facebook group, so if you’re allergic to social media, or you already have plenty of lively veterinary FB groups to hang out in and don’t need yet another temptation to get lost in ‘The Scroll’, then this could be a relief!
There’s no contract or tie-in, so you can join for a month to try it, or stay in all year with no pressure.
“I enjoyed the Q&A sessions and was surprised to get a lot from other people’s questions as well as my own.” Rebecca.

“The Q&A sessions were extremely useful! Being able to access individual advice from Jenny was invaluable. “ Nicola.
Any of these running through your mind right now?

‘I’ve looked into coaching before but it’s too expensive!”
The beauty of a membership program is that it allows me to serve many of you at the same time, which has the double benefit of bringing the cost down dramatically AND benefitting from the interactions with your fellow members on the Live Q&A sessions.
“I don’t have time, I’m totally maxed out!”
All the training sessions, monthly and quarterly planning sessions and Live Q&A sessions are recorded and you can access them at any time you wish while you’re a member. If you can’t make the live Q&A session, you can submit a question beforehand and I’ll answer it live on the call for you.
There’s no Facebook group so no additional digital admin you have to add to the list and you’ll get weekly reminders emailed straight to your inbox and a Crossroads calendar link so that all our sessions can be automatically added to your diary if this helps.
There’s no tie-in so you can try the membership risk-free without having a big commitment.
“I don’t have a specific goal, or I don’t really know what questions to ask!”
This is totally ok. The combination of the planning sessions and the mindset masterclasses will help you to start identifying where your happiness or knowledge gaps are, and you can always just listen in on the first few live Q&A sessions to see what other people are asking which will also help to start giving you a steer on what you want.
Ok, this sounds great! What’s the investment?
You can access this amazing coaching space and support for around £1 per day!
Lock this rate in if price goes up in future
No vat charged
- Weekly coaching/mentoring calls
- Monthly Mindset Masterclasses
- Quarterly and monthly planning session
- Access to growing library of masterclasses
There’s no vat on this and the time spent in the membership also counts for CPD.
You can cancel your membership at any time so you can join for as little or as long as you need.
I’d love to have you on board and support you in rising from the ashes of 2020 to start out new New Year feeling strong, supported and gaining ever-increasing clarity on your next steps forward.

“Jenny’s coaching gave me the courage to leave my job I wasn’t satisfied in and start my own business. She helped me overcome the fears that were leaving me playing small and defeated. She is great at lifting you up and helping you see what is possible.”
Dr Jeni Waeltz DVM
“I thought I needed Jenny to guide me through the mechanics of starting up a business, which she did, whereas the real work, it turned out, was done through gradually opening my mind to recognise what I want from life and to realise that have the means to achieve that.”
Dr Ellie Mardell MA VetMB CertSAM DSAM(Feline) MRCVS
Director of Feline Better

“Jenny’s coaching gave me the courage to leave my job I wasn’t satisfied in and start my own business. She helped me overcome the fears that were leaving me playing small and defeated. She is great at lifting you up and helping you see what is possible.”
Dr Jeni Waeltz DVM

“I thought I needed Jenny to guide me through the mechanics of starting up a business, which she did, whereas the real work, it turned out, was done through gradually opening my mind to recognise what I want from life and to realise that have the means to achieve that.”
Dr Ellie Mardell MA VetMB CertSAM DSAM(Feline) MRCVS
Director of Feline Better

If you have any questions about the membership or would like help choosing which of Vet Harmony’s services would best support you right now, please reach out and email me at .