UPDATE: I am currently fully booked for one-to-one work on the Map Maker Experience until January 2021 and therefore not offering any Exploration Calls at the moment.
I DO currently have spaces available however on my highly effective Veterinary Career Mastery group program which is permanently running and does include coaching sessions with me so please click here to find out more and I’d love to have you on board!
If you’re interested in working one-to-one with me and would like to join the waiting list, please click here and I’ll be in touch when I have spaces available.
Within the next few weeks I will also be launching my brand new low-cost £27/mth, no tie-in monthly membership, The Crossroads. This will give you weekly access to me via a group coaching session, plus monthly live training within a private Facebook group and a chance to mastermind (share your experience and support each other) with like-minded colleagues also looking to make career changes. If you’d like to join the waiting list and find out more about this program click here.
If you’re not sure which program would be the most appropriate for your needs, you can email me at jenny@vetharmony.co.uk and I can help guide you.
Life coaching assists you to bridge the gap between where you are now, to where you would like to be far more effectively than if you worked alone.
- Helping to raise your awareness with powerful questioning techniques so you can get clear on what you truly desire and who you are at your core
- Assisting you to create practical, step-by-step action plans to reach your goals
- Providing on-going support through any changes or obstacles you may encounter
- Providing you with tools, techniques and strategies to create lasting change and success
- Working with clients who are in a relatively good place mentally and emotionally, and ready to receive guidance and instruction

Although some skills may be similar, a coach is not a counsellor, a therapist, a mentor or a consultant.
If you are struggling emotionally, or dealing with depression, anxiety, mood disorders, or other recognized mental health problems then it is vital to get the correct type of help prior to starting coaching, to get the most out of your coaching.
Vetlife is a fantastic resource if you suspect you have a mental health issue but aren’t sure where to start. If you’re unsure whether you need coaching or therapy right now, grab a free exploration session with me and I’ll point you in the right direction.
As someone who’s been through mental health issues and come out the other side, I am skilled at knowing when to ask for therapeutic help or when to ask to be pushed to grow to your next best ‘you’!
This is for you if:
- You are newly starting on your personal development journey
- You’re interested in personal development but currently limited by time or finances
- Curious about psychometric profiling but allergic to ‘woo-woo’ and drawn towards a tool which is highly scientifically validated and based on brain physiology.
You will have highly validated evidence interpreted by a certified HBDI® Practitioner of things you have always thought about yourself and would like to confirm
You will have clarity on the reasons behind your strengths and weaknesses which is complete gold dust when it comes to job interviews and career progression
You will understand your boss, colleagues, clients, family and friends more insightfully and deepen the connections of your interpersonal relationships
You will make sense of your own individual response to stress and master the most effective ways to build your unique brand of stress resilience
Package includes:
An online access code to complete your 120-question HBDI® Assessment, which takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete.
A 60 minute in-depth debrief coaching session by Skype or telephone to go through your individual profile and interpret it in light of your individual circumstances
Email support for one month after your assessment
A beautiful colour hard copy of your in-depth HBDI® Assessment folder
Cost: £250.00 (no vat charged) CPD Hours: Counts for 2 hours CPD
Start a thinking and mindset revolution in your own practice! Click here for a link to this exciting, fun and intriguing workshop that is the foundation stone for creating harmony within your practice.
I just wanted to say again thank you so much! You gave me hope and inspired me and helped me find my way and I’m so grateful!
Charlotte Whincup BVSc MRCVS
Session One…
We run your HBDI® Assessment to unearth a goldmine of priceless work and life insights.
Session Two…
Understand the big blocks to happiness, personal growth and career progression. Learn how your current mindset is creating your reality. Uncover your personal ‘Why’ to use as a powerful compass moving forward.
Session Three…
Create your new exciting vision for the future as we work through my inspiring and motivating 3-point plan.
Nourish yourself. Explore possibilities. Rewire your mind.
How will this change your life?
You will have a highly useful roadmap of how you currently use your brain to help you successfully navigate your way to clarity.
In the process of working through what you don’t want and why, you will naturally springboard towards figuring out what you would like instead with my help.
Uncovering and defining your ‘Why’ will shift you from reactively fire-fighting through life to proactively and deliberately creating the life you want for yourself.
Your motivation will return and energy levels re-ignite as you learn relaxing and inspiring daily practices to re-balance your life.
You will have a clear written plan for your next steps moving forwards with exciting new options to explore.
Ok, I’m interested – what next?
Package includes:
An online access code to complete your 120-question HBDI® Assessment which takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete
Three 60-minute Skype or telephone calls one-to-one with Jenny Guyat over 3 months including full email support between calls
Lifetime access to support materials and exercises
A beautiful hard colour copy of your HBDI® Assessment folder
Cost: £675.00 (no vat charged) CPD Hours: Counts for 5 hours CPD
Working with Jenny was a very formative time. Her personalised, individual and caring support allowed me to start my personal growth and gave me the courage to move forward with my life.
Michelle Lingard BVSc MRCVS
6 Steps to regaining clarity and purpose
Maybe you have an idea what choice you want to make but currently lack belief you could achieve it or are frightened of failing and wary of change.
You are ready for deep personal transformation and would like a veterinary-specific expert coach and mentor to guide you through to this next chapter of your life.
We follow Vet Harmony’s powerful Map Maker 6-module course when working with our clients.
To start a journey in the first place, especially if you’re maxed out already
A highly practical toolkit of simple effective changes to help you climb out of overwhelm and get control of your energy whenever you need to.
Before the sat nav can plot a course, it needs to know your current location
We run and interpret your HBDI® Assessment. Gaining fascinating insights into how your individual brain processes information, learns, makes decisions, solves problems and communicates
Getting laser-clear focus on where you want to arrive and by when
Often we’ve put everyone else’s needs ahead of our own for so long. We no longer know who we truly are and what we want from life and work. Clearing these mists is HUGELY liberating and energising! I teach an empowering, addictive and enjoyable process for figuring this out and creating a clear, measurable plan.
To lighten your load and increase the speed and comfort of your journey
What limiting beliefs and behaviours are holding you back? What baggage would you do better to finally drop once and for all? We practically apply your HBDI Assessment results here to confidently bust through any blockages.
Become an expert life traveller in any terrain!
If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got. I’ve seen time and time again that success is an inside job, and how we think and talk to ourselves MATTERS! Re-wiring your mind for success and happiness happens here, bringing harmony between mind, body and soul.
Putting it all together into a detailed personalised itinerary
So now you know what you want, it’s time to go and find it! Whether staying in your current situation with a much happier mindset, or heading for pastures new, this exciting module pulls together all the jigsaw pieces to create your personal career and life roadmap.
You will acquire a life-changing toolbox of personal development skills to re-use for navigation through all life’s transition phases to come
Making changes is brave and courageous. It takes guts. You will learn how to keep generating the vital self-belief required even when things get tough.
By working personally with me, you will fast-track your growth and progression by learning from my experience and tapping into my extensive UK veterinary network of connections.
You will wake up each morning with new found energy and zest for life again as you reconnect with who you truly are and uncover what you really want.
Six 60-minute Skype or telephone calls one-to-one with Jenny Guyat over 6 months including full email support between calls
An online access code to complete your 120-question HBDI® Assessment.
Lifetime access to training videos, support materials and exercise
A beautiful hard colour copy of your HBDI® Assessment folder
To say congratulations for investing in yourself and making the leap to your best future, you’ll receive a small box of pressies as a welcome gift too!
Cost: £1675.00 (no vat charged) CPD Hours: Counts for 14 hours CPD
I would strongly recommend Jenny to anyone needing an intuitive mentor for guidance and support through the transition periods life throws at you! Just be brave, take that first step and reach out to her.
Michelle Lingard BVSc MRCVS
A vitally important part of decision-making in your career pathway is to understand how you use your individual brain.
• Are there some elements of your current job you love, but others you find utterly draining despite being good at them?
• Do you have colleagues or family members that you click with totally, while others are not on your wavelength and drive you a bit mad?
Brain research has revealed there are four physiological thinking ‘structures’ that control how the brain perceives and processes information.
The HBDI® Assessment measures your own individual brain preferences, providing fascinating insights into yourself and others that can be life changing. In terms of a career pathway and knowing what you want, it helps explain why you may be struggling with certain areas currently and what you might be better suited to.
Trying to decide whether to stay, go or diversify within the profession? Understanding your profile will give you the “ah-ha!” moments vital to navigating this emotive choice. If you need to adapt your mindset towards your current situation to get the most from it, your The HBDI® Assessment acts like a roadmap giving you the exact mindset change areas you need to focus on.
I currently have a day lecture called “Defusing the Veterinary Stress Timebomb” available for BSAVA Regional CPD and over the coming months I will be creating more lectures so watch this space!
If you are looking for a BSAVA Regional CPD speaker and want to add an interesting non-clinical topic to your program, let me know! I have a range of different personal growth and mindset topics I can create lectures on, and we can decide together which would be most relevant to your audience.