I am currently fully booked for one-to-one work on the Map Maker Experience until January 2021 and therefore not offering any Exploration Calls at the moment.
I DO currently have spaces available on my highly effective Veterinary Career Mastery group program which is permanently running and does include coaching sessions with me so please click here to find out more and I’d love to have you on board!
If you’re interested in working one-to-one with me and would like to join the waiting list, please email me and I’ll add you to the waiting list and will be in touch when I have spaces available.
Within the next few weeks I will also be launching my brand new low-cost £27/mth, no tie-in monthly membership, The Crossroads. This will give you weekly access to me via a group coaching session, plus monthly live training within a private Facebook group and a chance to mastermind (share your experience and support each other) with like-minded colleagues also looking to make career changes. If you’d like to join the waiting list and find out more about this program click here.
If you’re not sure which program would be the most appropriate for your needs, you can email me at jenny@vetharmony.co.uk and I can help guide you.
What is an Exploration Session?
It’s a 45 minute Skype or telephone coaching call where we can take a look at the issues or problems facing you currently, establish the ideal outcome and work out if we are a good fit to work together and whether I am the right person to help you.
It’s also a taster-session as during our 45 minutes we work towards one actionable strategy you can implement immediately so if you’ve never had coaching before you can experience it and see what you think!
Who are these calls designed for?
- My services are designed predominantly with vets in mind, however all the techniques would also work just as well for nurses, receptionists, practice managers and practice owners
- Those who are willing to take responsibility for their lives and who are serious about getting results
- Members of the profession who are looking for a coach and ready to invest in their personal development. If you’re not sure how you feel about the ‘ready to invest’ bit, check your readiness here and watch the 2-min video below.
- You have 5 minutes to spare when booking your call to fill in a brief questionnaire to help me prepare for our chat.
If you meet all four of the above requirements, we’re good to go!
If you’re hovering on the fence about booking a call, or are waiting for a slot to become available, sign up to join the Vet Harmony Community here and check out my free content to see if it resonates with you.
We don’t think twice about investing in our clinical CPD, sometimes at a cost of several thousands and furthering our professional knowledge so why is it so hard to convince ourselves to invest in our own personal development?
Investing in your own personal growth and development is just as important, if not more so. If I could start out my career as a vet again but armed with all the mindset, self-care and emotional intelligence skills I have right now, I am not sure what would happen but I am damn sure it would be a fabulous, successful and happier process!
I think we inherently know that medical and surgical skills are learned attributes that need to be taught, but we have a fixed mindset around personal development skills and somehow assume that are innate – people either have them or they don’t. NOT TRUE!!
Skills such as unlocking your true potential and purpose, working out what you REALLY want, and learning how to proactively get it whilst nurturing your mind, body and soul are every bit as much learned skills. Having them benefits everyone around you – your colleagues, clients, children, friends and family who all get to experience the best possible and happiest version of you.
Sometimes it can be a fear of the work involved to push through what’s been holding us back, and yes at times that can be tough but SO worth it. The things you really want are on the other side of that fear, and having someone to hold your hand while you bust through it dramatically reduces the difficulty.
To me, learning these skills has been priceless, I’m still learning and investing in myself to this day and I’m ready to share these techniques with you now.