by Jenny Guyat | Aug 6, 2020 | Mindset Mastery, Vet Passport
As part of lockdown earlier this summer, I was asked to give two mindset lectures to the Surrey final year students remotely as part of their rotations. In the first lecture we talked about self-compassion, one of the biggest guns in the self-worth and resilience...
by Jenny Guyat | Jul 28, 2020 | Authenticity, Goal Setting, Living with Passion and Purpose, Mental Health, Vet Harmony
How are you doing? I don’t know about you, but I’m finding this phase of the process quite tough, as the world starts to move through lockdown and beyond (or back into it in some cases…). It’s reminding me of a particular time when I was in practice, just before I...
by Jenny Guyat | Jun 27, 2020 | Goal Setting, Living with Passion and Purpose, Mental Health, Motivation
When I ask my clients, “What’s your biggest struggle?” I get the same answers coming up time and time again. I want to share these with you, so that if anyone reading this is currently feeling any of these things, you will know you are most definitely not alone! What...
by Jenny Guyat | Jun 15, 2020 | Goal Setting, Mental Health, Time Management
It’s been another reflective week here at Vet Harmony HQ. How has it been for you? What I’ve been noticing in my client calls and out there on social media this week is that many people are reaching a level of exhaustion. Emotional and physical tanks are starting...
by Jenny Guyat | Jun 9, 2020 | Authenticity, Living with Passion and Purpose, Meditation & Mindfulness
It’s hard to find the words to talk about things like the death of black people in the street and the systemic racism malaise that this has highlighted and I may well do this clumsily and get things wrong, so please forgive me and feel free to call me out or educate...