by Jenny Guyat | Jan 13, 2020 | Masterclass, Mindset Mastery, Motivation
I hope you are well and settling back into routine as we get to the end of the first ‘proper’ week post New Year. It’s been a complete whirlwind for me these last couple of weeks! I’d like to extend a very warm welcome to all the newcomers to the Vet Harmony Community...
by Jenny Guyat | Jan 3, 2020 | Living with Passion and Purpose, Mindset Mastery, Motivation, Vet Harmony
Are you fed up with seeing stuff about New Year’s Resolutions? If you fancy a different, easy 3-question technique that will actually give you far more insights into what it would be good to focus on this year, check out the short video below. To find out more about...
by Jenny Guyat | Dec 29, 2019 | Masterclass, Mental Health, Mindset Mastery, Perfectionism, Vet Harmony
Christmas, and the drawing to a close of one year – and in this case – a decade, can bring up all sorts of thoughts, reflections and emotions in us. Couple that with end of term-tiredness of children for those parents among you, organising Christmas and...
by Jenny Guyat | Dec 6, 2019 | Testimonials, Uncategorized
I always appreciate evaluation, and especially LOVE fabulous feedback, such as this lovely testimonial from Jeni Waeltz… What initially triggered you to reach out for coaching I reached out for coaching because I felt stuck in my work...
by Jenny Guyat | Dec 5, 2019 | Masterclass, Vet Harmony, Vet Passport
I got a card through the post this week that made me very reflective. It was a ‘Happy 7 years in business’ card from a business funding group. It’s only been 2 years since I set up Vet Harmony and I’d kind of forgotten that actually, my biggest leap of faith ever was...