by Jenny Guyat | Oct 26, 2018 | Authenticity, Goal Setting, Limiting Beliefs, Living with Passion and Purpose, Mindset Mastery, Vet Harmony
When I get clients on their Exploration call with me, the conversation usually goes something like this: ME: So what’s not working for you right now? CLIENT: I’m not sure if I want to be a vet anymore. I work very long days and often feel depleted with no time or...
by Jenny Guyat | Jul 20, 2018 | Limiting Beliefs, Living with Passion and Purpose, Mindset Mastery, Vet Harmony
In this video I’m talking about how you can use what you already know about yourself to find your direction if you don’t currently have clarity in an area of your life. • Do you find yourself grumbling on repeat you your partner most evenings about the same old stuff?...
by Jenny Guyat | May 18, 2018 | Goal Setting, Living with Passion and Purpose, Mindset Mastery, Psychometric profiling, Time Management
Map Maker Experience Module Six Exercise